My Ultimate Cross-Country American Road Trip | Ashley Riley

February 29, 2016

My Ultimate Cross-Country American Road Trip

Hello my wonderful readers!

One week from today Brandon and I will be starting our cross-country road trip from New York to Portland, Oregon.  In an effort to enjoy this road trip and all the places we will be visiting, I have decided not to post to my blog during this journey.  I want to be able to soak in every second and really live in each and every moment while I have the opportunity to do so.

We will be headed first up to Indiana to visit family, then stopping in Nashville, New Orleans, Dallas, Albuquerque, Monument Valley National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Las Vegas, Death Valley National Park, Sequoia National Park, Sierra National Park, Yosemite National Park, and San Francisco.

My regular schedule of Monday, Wednesday Friday posts will continue on March 28th!  An added bonus: in our new apartment I will finally have the space to set up my lighting and camera equipment, and will finally start making You Tube tutorials!

Make sure you are following me on social media!

I will be posting all about my trip on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snap Chat (AshEliz24).

See you all very soon (from Portland!)


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