DIY Beauty: 3 Simple and Easy Makeup Setting Sprays | Ashley Riley

February 10, 2016

DIY Beauty: 3 Simple and Easy Makeup Setting Sprays

DIY Beauty: 3 Simple and Easy Makeup Setting Sprays

Makeup setting sprays can be expensive and many contain ingredients that you may not necessarily want to be spraying onto your face on a daily basis.  These three do-it-yourself makeup setting sprays are all natural, and will leave you feeling good that you know exactly what is going on your face.  Even better is that they are inexpensive and can be made with easy to locate ingredients online and at your local grocery store.

Rose Water Makeup Setting Spray

1 Tbsp. Aloe Vera Gel
1/2 cup Rose Water

1. Combine Aloe Vera Gel and Rose Water into a spray bottle.

2. Shake until mixture is well combined. 
3. If you're as obsessed with Rose Water as myself, check out my DIY Rose Water Facial Toner.

Witch Hazel Makeup Setting Spray

1 Part Witch Hazel
3 Parts Water or Rose Water
1.  Combine Witch Hazel and water into a spray bottle.

2. Shake until mixture is well combined.

3. Rose water instead of regular water is perfect for those with dry skin.  Check out my 10 Tips on How To Achieve Healthy Winter Skin for even more dry skin tips and tricks.

Aloe Vera Makeup Setting Spray

3 Parts Warm Water
1 Part 100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel

1. Combine water and Aloe Vera Gel into a spray bottle.

2. Shake until mixture is well combined.

3. When you're ready to remove your makeup at the end of the day check out the products I use in my Nighttime Skin Care and Makeup Removal Routine.

DIY Makeup Setting Spray Tips
  • Store mixtures in the fridge for long term use, or add a few drops of Vitamin E Oil to your makeup setting spray to extend its life and use.
  • Add a few drops of Argan Oil to your makeup setting spray to aid skin that is extra dry, or for a dewy and glowing appearance.
  • Infuse some fragrance into your makeup setting spray by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as Lavender or Pomegranate.
Using a setting spray after finishing your makeup is great for making your makeup last and look great all day long.  Instead of re-purchasing your Sephora setting spray, next time try out one of these comparable dupes!

Interested in MORE DIY Beauty?  Check out my YouTube!



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